Race details

The 27 km distance

Race starts at 10:30 am (please be there a few minutes prior for check-in) by the Amarmimno DR Byen Stone, located just across from the DR Byen Metro Station, and ends at the Amarmino Dragør Stone.

The 27km finish in Dragør, right in front of the Dragør Badehotel. The best mode of transportation is by Metro to DR Byen, and then a combination of bus/metro home post-race from Dragør. Click HERE for public transit home transportation options from Dragør.

When checking in for the run in the morning, you can check in a bag, which we will transport to the finish area in Dragør.

The 54km distance

Race starts at 7:30 am (please be there a few minutes prior for check-in) by the Amarmimo Dragør Stone, located right in front of the Dragør Badehotel. The best public transportation option to get to Dragør is with a metro/bus combo via Cph Airport. Find Dragør public transportation information HERE.

You can check in a bag at the start in Dragør, which we will hold for you while you run.

Timing Information

Both the 27km and 54km distances will be timed via Strava. So it’s important that you 1) download Strava to your device, and 2) join the RA Club.

If you don’t already have Strava on your device, you can find it in your IOS or Android app store for free.

hydration and fuel

There are three hydration and fuel spots on the route (see image above), as well as one at the start and finish area, so a total of 3 on the 27km course and 7 on the 54km course. Hydration and fuel stops are powered by the amazing Purepower delivering water, electrolytes, gels, and more.

Post race

When you cross the finish line, we’ll get you fueled up with the help of Purepower, some fruit, and a cold beer (this is all included in your ticket price).

Also, 20 meters from the finish line, we’ve struck a bargain with Dragør Badehotel, where you can buy a refill on the beer, refuel with a nice and warm chili con carne with rice, and celebrate your achievement with the other racers. Friends, family and loved ones are also very welcome here!

OBS! To help out the kitchen, you need to pre-purchase the chili con carne via this link.


For more information, please click the FAQ section at the top of the site or reach out to Jesper@runamarminoen.dk.

secure your post-race chili con carne